The MSR is governed by a volunteer board of directors elected by the general membership at the Annual General Meeting in November. All parents/guardians are members of the MSR by default, and are encouraged to actively participate in the democratic process by attending and voting at the Annual General Meeting.
The board is a full governance board as opposed to an operational board, and is responsible for setting the long term Strategic Plan and Goals of the MSR. It sets long term policies, establishes the budget (including tuition fees), and offers guidance to and employs the Head of School. The Board has several committees to help it do its job, which include: Finance, Facilities, Marketing, Nominations, HR & Governance, Occupational Health and Safety, and Fundraising.
MSR’s Head of School is responsible for the operation of the school. The Head of School hires and supervises the staff, leads the development of curriculum, works with the board to set school policies and procedures, and handles the day-to-day administration and financial management of the school. The Head of School is accountable to the Board of Directors.